Foot Filler Injections for Foot Pain

If you’re looking for a noninvasive treatment for foot pain, foot fillers are the latest innovation.

Fillers are injections that are intended to increase volume on the face and have been adopted into the foot and ankle.

Foot fillers are injections placed in the the foot to act as an internal cushion to decrease pain with every step. There are many types of materials that can be safely injected into the foot to reduce foot pain, and here are the top 3 types that I offer to patients:

  • Fat allograft, Leneva

  • Hyaluronic acid

  • Collagen biostimulator

What do these have in common?

When these products are injected into the foot in the correct anatomical area it can offer temporary pain relief. They will last up to a year in the foot, depending on a variety of factors such as activity, metabolism, age, presence of other medical conditions and severity of deformities. Touch up injections may be necessary for complete relief.

What conditions do foot fillers treat?

Fillers increase soft tissue volume providing a temporary internal cushion, much like lip filler injections. Foot fillers are used when there is a loss of fat padding, prominent bony protrusion that is not amenable to surgery, or generalized pain that need more cushion.

Who should not receive these injections

People who have circulation problems, allergies to any of the ingredients, are pregnant or have an active infection should avoid these products. There may be additional contraindications so it is best to get evaluated by your experienced podiatrist.

Fat allograft, Leneva

Leneva is an off-the shelf injectable product made up of donor tissue that once injected into the host it signals to the body to generate fat cells. This is a natural way to increase cushion in areas where fat needs to be restored. This has also been successfully used in healing and preventing diabetic foot ulcers.

Hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid (HA) is similar to a naturally occurring substance found in the body including tendons and joints. There are many types of HA and the specific product used will depend on the target site. Many studies have proven the value of hyaluronic acid injections for joint and tendon pain, aesthetic applications like lip fillers, and for pain reduction in the feet.

Collagen biostimulator

A collagen biostimulator is a different type of injection that signals to the host to generate collagen in that localized area. It is more subtle in volumizing a deflated area. Sculptra is a common product that is used in aesthetic practices to improve the appearance of skin and wrinkles. It’s application in the foot is similar to Leneva and hyaluronic acid in that it provides additional soft tissue support to alleviate pain caused by the loss of fat padding (fat pad atrophy).

What are the risks to foot fillers?

These products are safe to inject into the body by an experienced practitioner but like anything else in medicine, there are a few risks to consider. Like any injection, you can expect soreness to the site of injection for a few days. But unlike surgery, downtime is minimal with foot fillers.

Less common risks include the risk of infection, product rejection, nodules, inflammatory response, increased pain and the risk of the product failing to provide the desired results. Rarely, but still possible, if the injection is placed in a blood vessel, it can lead to a blood clot or if too much is given in a confined spot then tissue necrosis may happen. That is why going to an experienced injector and following the aftercare instruction is so important.

Request a consultation with Dr. Tea to learn more.


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